Flash back to the Past

You know those times when you’re cleaning out old boxes and files and find images you did a long time ago and forgot about?

Behold, my first large watercolours!


Somewhere between the 7 moves I had in college (not including in and out of dorms and apartments when I go home at the end of the semester) I managed to loose these guys.  If you look carefully you’ll see the 12″ paper seams.  They were pretty big.  But back in my college days I decorated with paper and glue.  I decorated EVERYTHING with paper and glue.  I had a wad of that tacky putty the size of a baseball.

I started with construction paper.  I had shapes cut out for every season.  When I moved to Rome I wasn’t going to bring my wad of coloured paper and scissors, so I opted for a watercolour tray and a sketchbook.  Thus started the shift to painted decor.

While I know I’ve gotten better/wiser since I made these, I need to refind that piece of me that fearlessly dove into larger works.
